
Daughter of Azusa Street Revival Sparks Fresh Move in Los Angeles

Dr. Verna (Hall) Linzey, author of The Baptism of the Holy Spirit, led a revival meeting at the Azusa Street Revival Commemoration last weekend at Union Church in Los Angeles. The church is adjacent to Azusa Street, according to Rev. Fred Berry, coordinator of the meeting. Dr. Linzey is speaking again Friday, Dec. 14 at 7pm at the historic Bonnie Brae Street House.

“The Holy Spirit is working mightily in Los Angeles and we have begun to see greater manifestations of revival in the Los Angeles basin,” says Linzey. “We are honoring the Holy Spirit for the past and seeking God for the future. What we are seeking is now happening. So let us pray that the flames of revival that have been ignited in the Los Angeles basin recently sweep across Los Angeles and the world once again.”

The service with a large crowd from Japan, began with dancing before the Lord, shouting and singing followed by testimonies. About 30 of them received prayer at the conclusion of the service says Berry. Many were filled with the Holy Spirit including a 7-year-old girl as Linzey and her son; Rev. Jim Linzey laid hands on them.

“Verna and her son who assisted her gave prophetic words, exhortations and discerning prayers over many people with the laying on of hands.” Her son, Rev. Linzey, is asking Pentecostals throughout the world to host revival prayer meetings in their homes night during the week and invite others to meet with them and cry out to God.

Ernest S. Williams who received the baptism of the Holy Spirit at Azusa Street and became the General Superintendent of the General Council of the Assemblies of God for 20 years influenced Linzey. During that time, Linzey planted churches and pastored for the Assemblies of God. Her book received the Best Non-Fiction of the Year Award at the Centennial Celebration of the Azusa Street Revival.

Written by Leilani Haywood  for Charisma News 
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