
Revival Featuring Azusa Street’s Verna Linzey Continues

Verna Linzey at the Global Covenant ChurchLast Sunday, a meeting featuring Verna Linzey as the speaker sparked off a revival with calls from across the nation. During the week the Holy Spirit has continued moving among some of the participants and propelling others to come this Sunday.

One man is considering coming from New York. Another man from West Palm Beach, Fla., called for prayer from Linzey. Someone from Los Angeles called and plans to give his testimony this Sunday.

The Rev. Linzey and her son, the Rev. Jim Linzey, who also spoke last week, feel called by the Holy Spirit to return Sunday. The meeting is at 2 p.m. at Global Covenant Church, 937 W. 223rd St., Torrance, Calif., to seek the Holy Spirit, His manifestations and fruit of the Spirit.

The building, nicknamed “the mission,” looks like an old box-like warehouse or garage, turned into a sanctuary inside. It was once used for the dissemination of street drugs. But this is where the Holy Spirit hit last Sunday when five erupted into the speaking of tongues, as the Holy Spirit gave utterance, under the ministry of evangelist Verna Linzey, a product of the Asuza Street Revival.

Some of the attendees have felt the presence of God upon them in a deeper way throughout the week. Jim Linzey saw Satan defeated in a dream. Pastor Alice (Tanaka) Hodges is more vigilantly praying with church members. “There is no centralized leadership, but the Holy Spirit,” Verna Linzey said. “We just want to see Jesus.”

However, focal personalities seem to be Linzey, Jim Linzey and Hodges, who facilitated Morris Cerullo crusades in Japan.

“The provisions we need are a facility to open each night for people to come flat on their faces to meet God; and needed is temporary room and board for the volunteer administrator from New York willing to drive out to provide support of the revival,” Hodges said, “and any sponsors may donate through Military Bible Association or Global Covenant Church. Please pray the Holy Spirit works among us.”

Written by Nicole Lange for Charisma News
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