
Verna Linzey Awarded ‘Evangelist of the Year’ for 2010

Verna Linzey Preaching 2

‘Evangelist of the Year’, 91 Year Old Singing Sensation Verna Linzey Appears in Major Feature Film called ‘Iniquity’

By Jim Linzey
Special to ASSIST News Service

ESCONDIDO, CA (ANS) — At the recent World Believers’ Conference held in Phoenix, Arizona, 91-year-old Rev. Dr. Verna Linzey was awarded “Evangelist of the Year” for 2010 by the Military Bible Association.

Verna Linzey who was Keynote Speaker at World Believers’ Convention December2010

Colonel Oliver White presented the award after Verna gave a resounding concert and delivered the keynote address on “Relationship with the Holy Spirit” and after she gave the altar call and ministered to numerous people, including men from Teen Challenge’s Ranch in Arizona.

I was blessed with the honor of harmonizing with my mother in the concert. Furthermore, major motion picture producer Janice Hollis, who is the president of Hollis Media Group, has given Verna a role in a major feature film entitled “Iniquity,” which is an ultra-modern storyline based on the life of King David. In fact, in November Verna flew to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for the filming of her role.

As the story goes, three childhood friends in Philadelphia discover very early in life the significance of having a protector. They recognize that their relationships with each other were better that those they had with other neighborhood kids. As a result of personal hardships due to growing up in the inner city, they learn the importance of being gatekeepers. The three lads, Collin, Nathan, and David, fought their ways through difficulty with neighborhood gangs.

They comforted and encouraged each other when their family lives were in disarray. They shared their clothing, food and fears. Instinctively, they knew the only reliable support was each other. Those experiences inspired and fostered immeasurable trust among themselves. They pledged loyalty and truthfulness to one another, and to take care of one another no matter what!

Each one successfully graduated from college, but drifted apart due to the pursuit of individual careers. Nathan, the insightful of the three, became a lead Philadelphia Detective; Collin, the inquisitive and scrawny of the bunch, became an accomplished military engineer and later a civilian engineer, who moved to California to work for a major film studio. And finally, David, the young warrior who always came to the rescue of the weaker ones, finally accomplished his dream to seek justice from within the legal system and earned a reputation as the “giant slayer.” He became an intrepid defense attorney in Philadelphia, who never lost a case.

Fate would reunite these three trailblazers through the most unusual circumstances. While David had everything going for him, as did King David, met and fell in love with the wife of his childhood Collin when Collin’s wife was visiting her relatives in Philadelphia. David did not know the young lady was married to Collin since he and Collin lost contact over the years.

Their involvement was discovered at David’s birthday celebration. Two weeks before his birthday, David researched the whereabouts of his two friends and invited them to Philadelphia to celebrate his 30th birthday together for old times’ sake. It was then that his friend Collin, who flew in from Los Angeles, finally introduces David to his new wife, Beth. The same woman David met and pursued.

Though they managed to show a strong game face, it was Nathan who confronts David about his behavior towards their best friend’s wife. Both David and Beth suffer tremendous guilt due to their sin against each other and against Collin.

It was during this visit to Philadelphia that Collin reveals his legal troubles. A film set he built collapsed overseas and killed a little girl. David, feeling immensely guilty, offers to be the defense attorney–pro bono. But during the preparation of the trial David receives news that Beth is pregnant. He immediately distances himself of the possibility of paternity. But unknown to David, Collin was not able to produce children. David tries to force Beth to end the pregnancy but she refuses. Although, Beth wanted so much to keep the baby, she miscarries several weeks later. David is relieved, but tries to resume a relationship with Beth. She repents and breaks off the relationship to work on making things right with her husband.

Unfortunately, unknown to Beth, David’s plans are much different. As the lead defense attorney for Collin, he knows the only way to remove his friend out of the way is to lose the case, causing Collin to go to prison. In his twisted mind he would finally have the woman of his dreams.

On the other hand it would be Nathan to once again confront David and demand the truth after Collin is found guilty. Nathan pressures David to face what he has become and face up to the fact that he did not uphold honor and integrity when pretending to defend their friend.

In summary, one man was willing to confront iniquity by exposing his friend. My role as Collin’s former Army battalion chaplain was to be a character witness and testify to his expertise as an outstanding military engineer from what I learned from his chain of command. Verna’s role as the lead juror is delivering the verdict–guilty on all charges!

The producer, Janice Hollis who ran for Lieutenant Governor on the Independent ticket, happens to have a highly effective ministry to inner-city youth in Philadelphia. She understands their plight and need for a Savior. She successfully worked with the writer of the script and movie director, Joshua Coates, in blending the Bible story with the culture and racial mix of Philadelphia.

The award of Evangelist of the Year was presented to Rev. Linzey on December 14, 2010. It states: “Military Bible Association Presents the Evangelist of the Year Award to Rev. Dr. Verna M. Linzey, for 70 Years of Service as a Speaker in the Capacities of Preaching, Teaching, and Public Speaking through Television, Radio, Recordings and Personal Appearances and Continuing after Completely Recovering from a Stroke in 2010.”

As a precursor to Verna’s recent concert at the World Believers’ Conference, she debuted her title song, “Oh Blessed Jesus,” at Bethel Baptist Church of Escondido, California, on November 14, 2010. The Bethel Baptist Church Choir backed her up in addition to the vocals which were on the performance track–the Triumphant Quartet, which was nominated for a Grammy Award earlier this year, and Sisters. Both groups are on the largest Christian record label–Daywind Records. I sang harmony on this live performance at Bethel. The ministry in song can be viewed on You Tube at the following site:

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