
Verna Linzey Crusade — 20,000 Haitians Reached with Baptism in the Spirit Message – Christian Newswire

Dr. Verna Linzey praying an impartation prayer

CAP-HATIEN, Haiti, April 24, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ — The Rev. Dr. Verna Linzey preached in the Verna Linzey Crusade in Cap-Hatien, Haiti April 19-21, 2013 to crowds of 20,000, as estimated by Rev. Eric Maksym who coordinated the event. Rev. Maksym is on the staff of Benny Hinn Ministries.

Rev. Linzey was escorted by her son Dr. Jim Linzey, Southern Baptist Convention minister. Numerous demon-possessed were healed and delivered. In the United States one seldom, if ever, sees people writhing on the ground as demons manifest themselves, thrashing people around, as read about in the New Testament. An estimated 25-30 demon possessed were cured as Rev. Linzey’s Hatian ministry team prayed for them and rebuked the demons and cast them out in the name of Jesus. Jim Linzey filmed some of this to show in the states.

On several occasions Rev. Linzey conducted impartation services with the laying on of hands, praying for individual prayer requests and praying blessings over hundreds of Hatians on an individual basis.

Haiti is steeped in voodooism, primarily, and Catholicism, secondarily. The Hatians’ ancestors were brought to Haiti by the French during the slave trade, to breed in Haiti for the purpose of selling their offspring. When the African slaves revolted, they gained their independence and began to govern themselves on the island shared by the Domincan Republic. Most Hatians are destitute since there are no investors providing farm equipment and training for the Haitians to develop agriculture.

The reason why the Hatians are so steeped in voodoo is that during the horrendous slave trade, the Africans in Haiti turned to the only religion they knew — voodoo — for relief and help from the agonizing suffering. They knew not Christ and that there was no other name under heaven whereby they could be saved from their sins and their terrible plight.

The pastor sponsoring the Verna Linzey Crusade is in need of one million US dollars to build a roof over his large church in Cap-Hatien. The impoverished Hatians are exposed to the elements — sun, wind and rain during the services. Donations can be made to Military Bible Association, earmarked for this cause.
Verna Linzey can be followed on Face Book, Twitter and May our Lord and Savior bless you today.

Contact: Rev. David Newberry, Military Bible Association, 817-944-4081

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