
Verna Linzey Crusade Rocks New Jersey

TRENTON, N.J., March 10, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ — On March 8th and 9th, pastors and laity and the unchurched gathered from New York and New Jersey at the Trenton Marriott for the Verna Linzey Crusade and were saved, baptised with the Holy Spirit, slain in the Spirit, and received fresh anointings and impartations as they flooded the altar and as Verna Linzey laid hands on them.

Having been addressed as the “Daughter of the Azusa Street Revival,” “Ministry Daughter of Kathryn Kuhlman,” “Mother of the New Azusa Street Revival,” seasoned Assembly of God evangelist Verna Linzey, now at 93-years of age, preached on the baptism with the Holy Spirit which has been her theme for over seventy years. She is the award-winning author of The Baptism with the Holy Spirit.

Pastor Pearlie Murray, Ph.D., and Greater Works Ministries in Trenton coordinated and sponsored the crusade. Guest speakers included Rev. Murray and her daughter Prophetess Dei Tatum, formerly an actress, and Evangelist Jim Linzey (son of Verna Linzey).

Throughout the auditorium those who attended fell in the aisles from the front to the back of the auditorium, while catchers caught them and covered them. Many of the catchers themselves were falling under the Power. Some were running under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, claiming their healings and speaking in tongues. People were crying, wailing or praying with tears running down their faces due to the mighty presence of God meeting their needs. “Connection” with the Holy Spirit was one of the themes preached about by Verna.

Prophecies were given by the various ministers in the state’s capital city concerning the impact this crusade would have by the Holy Spirit bringing revival throughout the state and beyond.

Verna Linzey has been preaching for over seventy years, but when the media picked up on the revival begun through her by the Holy Spirit at a little mission in Torrance, California, then Azusa Street and Bonnie Brae Street, it has begun to gather momentum from the west coast to the east coast.

Results have included, but not been limited to, church growth, reaching the lost, gathering together of multi-racial people groups, increased missions support and feeding the poor.

Recording artist Verna Linzey opened by singing her hymn “Oh Blessed Jesus,” recorded on her record Oh Blessed Jesus.

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