
Verna Linzey Summit with Pentecostal United Nations Chief of Northern Haiti – Christian Newswire

Dr. Verna Linzey and Pentecostal United Nations Chief of Northern Haiti

CAP-HATIEN, Haiti, April 24, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ — The Rev. Dr. Verna Linzey took time during the Verna Linzey Crusade in Cap-Hatien, Haiti for an unprecedented meeting with the Chief of the United Nations of the Northern Haiti region on Sunday, April 21, 2013 in the walled compound where the two were residing.

Topics included the purpose for the presence of the United Nations in Haiti, the mission of the United Nations in Haiti, verification of mission accomplishment, exit strategy of the United Nations, strategies for meeting the religious needs of the United Nations troops, the personal faith of the United Nations regional chief Emilio Castaneda with whom the Rev. Verna Linzey met, and the summit concluded with the Rev. Verna Linzey praying a blessing over the Chief, giving him her blessing as he knelt before her and received the laying on of the Rev. Dr. Verna Linzey’s right hand.

The United Nations entered Haiti during the mass rioting in 2004 to bring peace and safety to the Hatians and calm the civil unrest. They have remained until the rioting stopped and to ensure a system of checks and balanced are in place to hopefully prevent such an outbreak again. The time frame for exiting Haiti is 2016.

The United Nations has set up a system for elections to remain safe and secure so that democracy would prevail. The mission includes reforming the justice department and the police force. Internal structuring of the very government seems to be part of the mission.

The United Nations provides UN chaplains of various denominations to attend to the religious needs of the United Nations troops. The chaplains are primarily Catholic and Protestant of various denominations. The United Nations chaplaincy is structured much like the military chaplaincy of the United States Armed Forces. The Chief of the United Nations in northern Haiti, Mr. Castaneda, is Pentecostal and believes in speaking in tongues. A Salvadoran by birth, Mr. Castaneda is a nationalized Canadian. His religious experience includes the Faith Mission in El Salvador, Anglicanism in Canada, and Pentecostalism when he attended a Pentecostal Bible School.

Verna Linzey can be followed on Face Book, Twitter and May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ bless you today.

Photo: Verna Linzey with Pentecostal United Nations Chief of Northern Haiti

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